Philosopher in Meditation (Rembrandt)

Philosopher in Meditation (Rembrandt)

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Sunday, December 5, 2010

December 5, 2010

Wow, I can't believe a month has already passed. Sorry about the delay. I blame Nano, edits and real life, etc. But here I am with another prompt. Write a scene, chapter, short story, drabble, or flash piece--fiction (any genre) or non-fiction using one or more of the prompts (either literally or as inspiration). No word limit. The prompts come from the NaNoWriMo Take a Plot, Leave a Plot folder. (I found out about it here:

Good luck and have fun.

Here are the prompts:

•start your writing with a description of wet feet
•crumpled clothing

God bless,
with God all things are possible