Consolation Prize
©Marlicia Fernandez
Even after all these years, I hurt. Stupid game. Who thinks up these things? Give a child a sharp object, blindfold her, turn
her around multiple times and push her toward a wall with instructions to ‘pin
the tail’ on a donkey she can’t begin to see.
Unless she cheats.
Not an unheard of occurrence. Prizes were at stake. What six
year-old doesn’t want to win a prize?
The six year-old in question cheated.
She cheated because she wanted the prize and birthday girls
can’t win prizes.
She settled for a consolation prize.
They never did get the tack out.
Written in response to the Friday Fictioneers challenge hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields
(click HERE for more details). The idea is to write a flash fiction piece of 100 words based
on the photo prompt (above).
(click HERE for more details). The idea is to write a flash fiction piece of 100 words based
on the photo prompt (above).
More 100 word stories based on this week’s prompt, can be found here HERE.